Golden Oak Forestry Service

Timber Tips

Selling Timber Confusing?

I was talking with a landowner recently who was asking about how to go about marketing their timber.  About halfway through my discussion with them, I noticed a bit of a dazed look on their face, indicating they had gotten lost somewhere in my explanation.  It’s not the first time I’ve seen that look, but it told me it was time to back up and do some more in depth explaining. Marketing forest products can be confusing, especially since most people will  ...


Should I have my timber marked?

Marking timber or selective harvest is only one method of harvesting timber, but is more involved than most.  Depending on the objectives you have for your land, the age/size of your timber, tract size and your financial goals, marking timber might be a solution. Prior to marking it is highly advisable to have a current inventory on your property that shows the breakdown of species, sizes and volume.  This will allow you to determine how to structure the marking  ...


Arkansas Forestry Association -- Are you a member??

If you own land in Arkansas, if you are in a hunting club, if you sell products or services to forest related businesses, then you need to be a member of the Arkansas Forestry Association. As the threat of regulation and taxation increases, who will be the voice for the forest community?  That's the role of the AFA.  There are more that 33,000 families that earn a direct  paycheck from the forest industry, not to mention all those suppliers, vendors and  ...


When is a good time to sell my timber?

The short, obvious answer is when the price is the highest.  Unfortunately I don’t own a crystal ball, so I’m not much help in predicting when that time might be.  But here are a few things to consider: What’s my overall objective?  That’s the first thing to do when making decisions about a piece of timberland.  List your objectives, in priority order with help with the thought process when it comes time to consider a timber  ...